外国人が日本で働くためには! 第一回
外国人が日本で働くためには! 第二回
外国人が日本で働くためには! 第三回
シリーズ4回目の今日はライティングアーティストにスポットを当ててのインタビューです。日本人の奥さんを持ち、日本、語英語を自在に操るナイスガイ!僕と同じくANIMAL LOGICでの就労経験をもった大先輩ですね。
※ 今回のインタビューは個人への配慮を考え、個人名を公開していません。ご了承ください。
-Please introduce yourself and give us a brief summary of your work experience.
XXXXXXXXXX, I left a job as a 3D supervisor at Animal Logic to come to Japan in 2006. Since then I've worked at Polygon Pictures as a lighting artist initially, then layout supervisor on a TV series. TV work is pretty rough so I switched over to Square-Enix to work in their cinematics department late in 2009. I'm still there now doing lighting and compositing.
-What was your job title and your responsibilities? How long did you work in Japan?
-In general, how did you feel about working in Japan?(or more specifically, pros and cons?)
Japan has been a great experience in terms of meeting people I wouldn't otherwise have had the chance to, and Tokyo is an amazing city to live in...no crime, incredible transport, great food, cheap beer, festivals and events year-round, the only downside is the lack of trees and grass.From a work perspective it's a bit hit and miss...mostly miss. The CG industry here is linked to the anime industry, which means no money and long hours. It's not really a white-collar job. Few Japanese studios have really advanced facilities. Basically you're stepping back in time 5-10 years depending on the company, and the salaries are 50-70% of what they would be overseas.
-What do you think are the differences between the working styles of Japanese companies and western-based companies?
There are big difference between companies overseas, and the same can be said of studios here, so it's difficult to make generalizations. Some companies here are very organized, others are total chaos, it's like anywhere. The big difference I've noticed is that people here tend to be very conservative in adopting new technology. the Japanese I've dealt with are quick to focus on potential downsides and risks, and often the first setback will mean the end of testing. "If it aint broke, don't fix it" is rule number 1 here. That's not to say there's absolutely no development here, but it happens much much slower than overseas.
-What elements do you think Japanese companies should change to improve the working experience of foreign artists?
-What elements do you think are necessary in an artist if he/she wants to work in Japan?
Patience. Japan is a weird country and people do things in very specific ways here. It takes a lot of time to learn all that, so your first year here will be a comedy of errors. You probably won't understand what anyone is saying, and chances are they won't understand you either, so patience first and foremost is a must have.
Patience. Japan is a weird country and people do things in very specific ways here. It takes a lot of time to learn all that, so your first year here will be a comedy of errors. You probably won't understand what anyone is saying, and chances are they won't understand you either, so patience first and foremost is a must have.
根気です。日本は不思議な国で、 人々はある決められたやり方で仕事をしようとします。 それらをすべて習うのはかなり時間がかかります。 あなたが日本で働いたとすると、 最初の1年は失敗の連続でコメディのようになるでしょう。 他の人たちの言うことがほとんど理解できず、 多くの場合に彼らもあなたの言うことが理解できません。 ですから、根気がまず必要です。それが一番重要です。
-Including myself, many Japanese artists have been leaving the country to work overseas. How do you feel about this?
I think it's great! People really need to get out and experience the world..that's true for everyone, not just Japanese CG artists. I imagine it would be very tough to come back to the Japanese CG industry after working overseas though.
I think it's great! People really need to get out and experience the world..that's true for everyone, not just Japanese CG artists. I imagine it would be very tough to come back to the Japanese CG industry after working overseas though.
それは素敵なことだと思います!一般的に言って、 日本人のCGアーティストだけでなく、 みんなが国外に出て世界で経験を積む必要があります。 一度海外で働いてから日本のCG業界に戻ってくるのは大変だとは 想像できますが。
-Please give a message to those who are willing to work in Japan or
those Japanese artists who want to work outside of Japan.
If you're coming to have an adventure and experience life in a really cool country, I think it's a great idea. If you're looking for a career opportunity or to develop your reel, I'm not sure I would recommend the Japanese industry. Square is a good company to work for and the projects we do are really cool, but very few people here speak english, and there's not much interest in hiring non-japanese speaking artists unfortunately (software engineers are another story). So if you really want to succeed in Japan, I'd say hit the nihongo textbooks.
For japanese artists I'd say the same thing, just spend your weekends learning english. Artists here are just as talented as any I've worked with, so getting work overseas is just a question of english ability and good timing.
If you're coming to have an adventure and experience life in a really cool country, I think it's a great idea. If you're looking for a career opportunity or to develop your reel, I'm not sure I would recommend the Japanese industry. Square is a good company to work for and the projects we do are really cool, but very few people here speak english, and there's not much interest in hiring non-japanese speaking artists unfortunately (software engineers are another story). So if you really want to succeed in Japan, I'd say hit the nihongo textbooks.
For japanese artists I'd say the same thing, just spend your weekends learning english. Artists here are just as talented as any I've worked with, so getting work overseas is just a question of english ability and good timing.
以上がインタビューになります。今回のインタビューからDr.D時代の同僚で、現在はアメリカのREEL FXでTD職にあるナカムラタツヤ氏に翻訳をお手伝いして頂きました。