外国人が日本で働くためには! 第一回
今回の第回二目は、日本人の妻を持ち日本語、英語を自在に操る現役FX TD。バンクーバーにある大手プロダクションで現在は勤務しています。
※ 今回のインタビューは個人、企業への配慮を考え企業名や個人名など一切公開していません。
-Please introduce yourself and give us a brief summary of your work experience.
I've started seriously drawing and painting about 20 years ago. I went to art college and worked with pencils, paints and watercolors as well as prints and eventually computers. Professionally I started of as an illustrator but quickly moved into computer games as a modeller and texture artist. I became increasingly technical and my last 3 jobs have been as a VFX TD.
私は約20年前に絵を描き始めました。私は美術大学へ進み、鉛筆、絵の具や水彩画などを学びました。最終的に私はコンピュータで絵を描くようになりました。専門的に私はイラストレーターとしてのスタートでしたが、迅速にモデラーやテクスチャアーティストとしてのコンピュータ·ゲーム産業へ移りました。私はますます技術的になり、私の3つ目の仕事が現在のVFX TDとなっています。
-What was your job title and your responsibilities? How long did you work in Japan?
I worked for several years as a game artist in a small company in Osaka before briefly working as a TD for a group of freelancers. It must have been 5 years altogether.
-In general, how did you feel about working in Japan?(or more specifically, pros and cons?)
Working in Japan can be hard but also very interesting. Most of the
difficulty for me was with noise. It's hard to explain but I find
Japanese offices quite noisy. Living in Japan is quite good actually. I
love the predictable weather, excellent restaurants, quirky everythings,
onsen, and a thousand other things.
And hey, stop living your life staring at mobile phones. Just saying. ;)
-What do you think are the differences between the working styles of Japanese companies and western-based companies?
Small companies work very much in a similar manner but there is a
huge difference when compared to large western facilities. Clients in
Japan want very fast results and often require major changes at the last
minute. The Japanese are remarkable at what the can produce but it only
works up to a point. You cannot pump out Avatar quality CG on a
shoestring budget with a brief that changes 150% at 11.55pm.
dynamics of big projects is completely different. It is much more
methodical and resource intensive than what you have at most, or any
shop at all. Imagine spending weeks on a single effect, even months,
with all the staff and hardware. You need big clients with deep pockets
to do this.
-What elements do you think Japanese companies should change to improve the working experience of foreign artists?
Speak English! If you want to work internationally it is necessary to use an international language. It's difficult, it's inconvenient but that's the way it is. English isn't my mother tongue nor that of many of my coworkers but it is so important yet so lacking in Japan. However, if you have mostly local or national clients, of course it is not necessary.
-What elements do you think are necessary in an artist if he/she wants to work in Japan?
Be lucky. I don't know of any secret sauce to making it in Japan.
Some fail, some succeed, and luck has a lot do with. Try and see!
-Including myself, many Japanese artists have been leaving the country to work overseas. How do you feel about this?
It is a global industry and everybody moves around all the time. It
is a problem in the sense that we find it hard to settle down and live a
normal life. I wish there was a serious international movie industry in
Japan. I really believe that you have some of the most amazing artists
in the world. You are dedicated, hard working and never complaining
people and how great it would be to produce world class vfx in Japan.
a Pixar studio in Yakushima and I'd drop everything and go there in a
heart beat! Seriously, forget Tokyo, it's small, expensive and
stressful. Plonk a bunch of artists and a world class facility into the
gorgeous Japanese countryside and I guarantee you first class quality at
low cost, with happy staff, family and businessmen. That is my dream!
-Please give a message to those who are willing to work in Japan or those Japanese artists who want to work outside of Japan.
-Please give a message to those who are willing to work in Japan or those Japanese artists who want to work outside of Japan.
Try it, but have a backup plan my dear friends.
挑戦して下さい。しかし、バックアッププランも用意して下さい。Try it, but have a backup plan my dear friends.